Our Story
Bible Clubs
Our journey began in 2012 at Githurai 44 where we started off as a bible club with 10 children as there was an urgent need to disciple the many children living within the locality in the ways of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Within 4 months we had grown in numbers to 80. In 2012 December we did Christmas packages which greatly added to our numbers and by 2013 we had grown to over 200 children attending Bible club every Saturday.
On 25th December 2012 the Director (Beatrice Malika) was invited by a church friend to her home in Njathaini (Ngomongo) where she met around 10 children from the neighborhood who did not know how to pray. She offered to come back the next Saturday to teach the about Jesus Christ and how to pray. In January 2013 a Bible Club began at Ngomongo Njathaini with the 10 children. Within 2 weeks the number of children grew to 30 and soon the numbers rose to over 100 and by August that year the number of children had grown to over 150.

Glory Christian Education Centre
In May 2013 we realized that there were very many grown up children who not going to school. On Saturdays the children would come to the Bible Club and during the week they would go begging at the nearby Thika Road Mall. On inquiring, we noticed that the children were not in school for varied valid reasons: some had bedridden parents, some went hungry because their parents were sold out to alcoholism, and some were sent home frequently because of lack of uniforms.
By December 2013 God had started putting in the heart of the Director to start a school that would offer free education and cater for the needs of these children. In May 2014 we began the school in 2 mud walled houses with 14 children and within a month the street children who were begging at Thika Road Mall enrolled in the school.
By 2015 the numbers had grown rapidly which necessitated a move to a more spacious place where we are currently based. Currently the school is home to over 350 children and the numbers grow every day. We work closely with the local administration authorities who help us identify and refer the very needy children to our school.

Glory Christian Rescue Home
In 2016 we started noticing that some of the children in school were withdrawn, not jovial as before and showed signs of depression. We realized that the children needed psychological counselling and started involving volunteer counselors. By 2017 some children started coming forward and reporting cases of sexual abuse at home by their own drunk parents, relatives and friends of their parents. These cases were reported to the authorities for the necessary action to be taken. God started impressing on us the idea of establishing a rescue home to provide a safe environment for the abused children to be counseled and nurtured with the love of Christ.
By July 2017 a rescue home was born to provide a safe haven and take care of the children who had been abused and those who were at risk of being abused. The rescue home began with 10 children. We started identifying and rescuing more children who had either been abuse or are at risk of being abused. The rescue Centre has since grown and currently is home to 23 children. We are trusting God for expansion of the current premises to be able to house more needy children. We also look forward to having a secondary school for continuity and a resource Centre to help empower the parents of the children with income generating activities.