Get Involved
Donate through our Paypal Account
Donate through our M-pesa Paybill number
Sponsor A Child
For USD 35 a month you can make a profound difference in a Childs life. This will make sure that your sponsored child receives excellent Christian education, nutritious food and spiritual nourishment in school and at the rescue home.
Besides financial support you can build a lasting relationship with your sponsored child and get to know about their family life, hopes and dreams, and the faith journey.
Click on the link to view the profiles of children who need to be sponsored to remain in school.
We believe that unless the members of the society are involved proactively, sustainable development will not be achieved. We encourage and invite volunteers to be an active part of our organization and share the same purpose and vision with us. We invite volunteer counsellors, school teachers, Bible club teachers, motivational speakers on various fields, etc. Get in touch through to volunteer.
Mission Trips
We also invite foreign and local missionaries to come serve with us during their missionary trips to Kenya. If you would like to volunteer at Glory Christian Education Centre and Rescue home during your missionary trip kindly get in touch through